Example project --------------- The source tree contains an example Django project using django-sticky-uploads in the examples directory. It's a quick way to try out django-sticky-uploads. * Clone the repository locally and change directories into the source tree:: $ git clone https://github.com/caktus/django-sticky-uploads $ cd django-sticky-uploads * Create a virtualenv:: $ mkvirtualenv sticky-example * Install django-sticky-uploads and django:: $ add2virtualenv . $ pip install Django * Change into the 'example' directory:: $ cd example * Run migrations:: $ python manage.py migrate * Create a user:: $ python manage.py createsuperuser * Run the server:: $ python manage.py runserver * Visit ` `_ in a browser. * Login * Experiment with the file upload form * Use the admin at ` `_ to see the files uploaded in the background, and look for them in the ``media/uploads`` directory.