Customizing the Server Side

django-sticky-uploads ships with a default view for handling the background file uploads, but you may need or want to customize the behavior such as where files are stored or which users are allowed to upload files.

Changing the Storage

For managing the file uploads, django-sticky-uploads uses the File storage API. This allows you to use any valid storage backend for handing the files. By default the view will use This is a subclass of the built-in default FileSystemStorage with a few changes. First the files are stored in /tmp (or OS equivalent temp directory) rather than MEDIA_ROOT. This storage does not expose a url to serve the temporarily uploaded files.


If you are using a multi-server environment this default will not work for you unless you are able have the load balancer pin the consecutive requests to the same backend server or have the temp directory mounted on a network share available to all backend servers.

The storage used by the upload view is configured by the storage_class attribute. This should be the full Python path to the storage class. This can be changed by either sub-classing stickyuploads.views.UploadView or by passing it as a parameter to as_view.

# New view to use S3BotoStorage from django-storages

from stickyuploads.views import UploadView

urlpatterns = patterns('',


The storage backend you use should not take any arguments in the __init__ or should be able to be used with the default arguments.

Changing Allowed Users

By default the UploadView will only allow authenticated users to use the background uploads. If you would like to change this restriction then you can subclass UploadView and override the upload_allowed method.

from stickyuploads.views import UploadView

class StaffUploadView(UploadView):
    """Only allow staff to use this upload."""

    def upload_allowed(self):
        return self.request.user.is_authenticated() and self.request.user.is_staff

Pointing the Widget to the Customized View

By default the StickyUploadWidget will use a view named sticky-upload-default for its uploads. If you want to change the url used you can pass the url to the widget.

from django import forms
from django.urls import reverse_lazy

from stickyuploads.widgets import StickyUploadWidget

class ExampleForm(forms.Form):
    upload = forms.FileField(widget=StickyUploadWidget(url=reverse_lazy('sticky-upload-custom')))

You may also choose to not use the default url patterns and name your own view sticky-upload-default in which case that url will be used by default.