Getting Started with django-sticky-uploads

This will walk you through the basics of getting started with django-sticky-uploads. It assumes that you have already installed django-sticky-uploads via:

pip install django-sticky-uploads

and have an existing project using a compatible version of Django and Python.

Necessary Settings

After installing you should include stickyuploads in your INSTALLED_APPS setting. To use the default upload view you must also be using contrib.auth to manage users.

    # Required by stickyuploads
    # Required by contrib.auth
    # Other apps go here

This is required so that the built-in contrib.staticfiles can find the JS included in the django-sticky-uploads distribution. If you are not using contrib.staticfiles then this step is not required but you are on your own to ensure the static files are included correctly.

Including the URLs

django-sticky-uploads includes views for accepting the AJAX file uploads. You’ll need to include these in your url patterns:

from django.conf.urls import patterns, include, url

urlpatterns = patterns('',
    # Other url patterns go here
    url(r'^sticky-uploads/', include('stickyuploads.urls')),

The sticky-uploads/ is there for example purposes and you are free to change it to suit your own needs.

Including the JS

The enhanced upload widget requires a small piece of JavaScript to handle the background upload. Each of the cases assume that you are using contrib.staticfiles to manage static dependencies.

First, you can add the following script tag to any page which will use the widget.

{% load static from staticfiles %}
<script type="text/javascript" src="{% static 'stickyuploads/js/django-uploader.js' %}"></script>

Alternatively, you can minimize the JavaScript and load that, or bundle it with other JavaScript for the page.

Yet another option is to include {{ }}, where form is whatever form is using the upload widget. The widget includes an inner Media class that lists 'stickyuploads/js/django-uploader.js' as a dependency, and including {{ }} in the template will produce the necessary markup to load it.

Adding the Widget

The final step to use django-sticky-uploads is to use the widget on an existing form with a FileField. The StickyUploadWidget is a drop-in replacement for the default ClearableFileInput and can be used on any Django Form including ``ModelForm``s.

from django import forms

from stickyuploads.widgets import StickyUploadWidget

class ExampleForm(forms.Form):
    upload = forms.FileField(widget=StickyUploadWidget)

Note that to make use of the background upload, the user must be authenticated, so the StickyUploadWidget should only be used on forms/views where the user is authenticated.

Next Steps

There are hooks on both the client side and server side for customizing the behavior of the uploads. Continue reading to see how you can adjust the default settings to fit your needs.